injury lawyer Calgary

Why Are Personal Injury Law Cases Complex?

If you were injured and are involved in a personal injury case, you’ll probably hear that the case is complicated. This is common with injury cases, but why? What makes these cases so complex?

Cases Handled by a Personal Injury Lawyer are Unique

One reason personal injury claims are complex is because they tend to involve rare instances. Almost all claims are worst-case scenarios, and a Calgary personal injury lawyer handles every case uniquely because each one is different.

The Injury Must be Evaluated Prior to Making a Claim

Determining the extent of injury after an accident is a complicated process by itself. It takes time for doctors to evaluate the seriousness of injuries and determine whether they have healed or caused permanent damage.

Personal Injury Claims Involve Many Steps and Processes by a Calgary Injury Lawyer

After the process of evaluating the extent of injury, the rest of the claim can proceed. The Calgary injury lawyer gathers potential evidence and testimony and assesses the potential case. Your personal injury lawyer then sends a detailed demand letter to the responsible party. At this point, a settlement is sometimes reached.

A Calgary Personal Injury Lawyer May Take the Claim to Trial

If a settlement isn’t reached, the case becomes more complex as the personal injury lawyer files a lawsuit. This leads to a discovery period, dispositions, pre-trial motions, and eventually a trial.

Personal Injury Trials are Complex

Trials in general are complex, and personal injury cases are a prime example. They may take a few days, weeks, or more. A Calgary injury lawyer handles all the details and paperwork associated with taking a case to trial.

As you can see, there are many reasons why personal injury cases are complex. A Calgary personal injury lawyer helps you navigate the complicated process to get appropriate compensation.

If you need help collecting compensation for an injury you’ve suffered be sure to contact Edwards Injury Law. Edwards Injury Law has successfully fought for the injured for over 25 years. Move forward with dedicated help from a personal injury lawyer, contact us today if you or someone you know has been in an accident or injured.

Phone: 403-777-0140
