injury lawyer Calgary

How to Prove Emotional Distress

You may have difficulty recovering emotional distress damages when injured because emotional distress is intangible. How do you prove that you have suffered emotional distress if you can’t see or feel it? Several types of evidence may be admissible in court when trying to prove emotional distress damages after an injury accident caused by someone else’s negligence. There are even cases where you can prove emotional distress from your workplace. The following are types of evidence you can use to verify your case with an injury lawyer in Calgary and receive compensation for the injuries and the emotional distress caused by those injuries.

Types of Evidence an Injury Lawyer in Calgary Uses 

Symptom Onset & Duration

Emotional distress is a form of physical injury that can cause pain, suffering, and impairment of physical function. Emotional distress produces similar symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. The symptoms that accompany emotional distress are just like those of physical injuries. Symptoms may include difficulty concentrating, frequent crying, irritability, or anxiety. The length of these symptoms varies from person to person. For example, some people may have the same amount of emotional distress after an accident as they did before the accident. 

Validation From Medical Professionals

First and foremost, you will want to provide validation from medical professionals proving emotional distress once you have found an injury lawyer in Calgary. If you have suffered emotional distress due to physical injuries or exposure to the potential of injury, you may seek treatment from a doctor or a medical professional. Your doctor can provide documentation of your injuries and the accompanying symptoms that support an argument that you are suffering emotional distress due to someone else’s negligence. 

The Intensity of Your Emotional Distress

Suppose you have experienced physical and emotional injuries or have been exposed to the potential of injury. In that case, your doctor or medical professional can provide documentation of how long you have been suffering from emotional distress to support your case. These types of documentation will support the fact that you suffer from emotional pain in the aftermath of an accident caused by someone else’s negligence.

Associated Physical Symptoms

You may have experienced physical symptoms after the accident that are similar to emotional distress symptoms. These symptoms may be the same, such as the inability to sleep or feeling anxiety, or they may be different, such as a headache. Your doctor can provide documentation of your injuries and physical symptoms similar to emotional distress. 

Evidence of Date of Injury

You may have missed school or work due to the accident and suffered emotional distress and physical injuries. Evidence will be admissible to support the fact that you are suffering emotional distress caused by your injury. Depending on the facts surrounding your injury, there could be evidence that you could not work or attend school because you were injured in a car accident. It would support an argument that you suffer from emotional distress after being exposed to someone else’s negligence. 

There are several types of evidence that you can use to prove your case and receive compensation for your injuries, including emotional distress injuries. This information is intended to alert you to the types of evidence you can use to recover damages after being exposed to someone else’s negligence or emotional abuse. Suppose you or someone you know has been involved in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. In that case, they must immediately speak with a personal injury attorney to start documenting their injuries and the resulting emotional distress.

Founded in 1992 Richard Edwards Injury Law has been working to help Calgarians successfully settle complex and serious personal injury claims and wrongful death cases. As a Calgary injury lawyer, Richard Edwards provides remarkable care and effort to each of his cases. Richard Edwards Injury Law will go above and beyond as your Calgary personal injury lawyer and will make sure you receive the settlement you deserve. If you or someone you love is in need of a Calgary personal injury lawyer, car accident lawyer, sports injury lawyer, slip and fall attorney, or brain and spinal cord injury lawyer, Richard Edwards Injury Law is the place to call. We can be counted to deliver results and give clients the expertise they need.