injury lawyer Calgary

How Long After An Accident Can You Sue?

After a car accident, there’s a lot that goes through one’s mind. You might have injuries that need tending to, damage to your vehicle that must be fixed, and most of all, you’re probably a little shaken up mentally. Once the dust has settled and you’ve contacted your car accident lawyer in Calgary, it’s time for you to make some decisions regarding how to move forward after the accident. Decisions like, should you sue the other party? 

If you suffer from injuries and need help paying medical bills or have lost income because you can’t work, suing might be your best course of action. But, it can sometimes talk a while to make the decision. So, how long do you have to sue after an accident? Let’s find out.

Timeframe To Sue According to Car Accident Lawyers

Standard Time Requirements

According to The Alberta Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Program Information Resource Booklet, you normally have two years from the date of your accident to file your lawsuit in an Alberta Court. You have one year to serve your claim on the defendant(s) from the point that you file your lawsuit. After that, you are expected to keep your lawsuit moving forward by taking material steps to get a decision at Court. If you don’t know how to take these steps, car accident lawyers in Calgary can help. If you have not taken any such steps in three years, your lawsuit may be struck out by the Courts.

Additional Time Requirements

Every car accident happens in unique conditions, which can affect the time limits for submitting a claim or suing with the help of a car accident lawyer in Calgary. The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act establishes additional time requirements for claims arising as a result of a hit-and-run or any other accidents where the owner and/or driver of the at-fault vehicle is unknown. In such cases, you’ll need to ensure that notice of the claim is provided to the Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act within 90 days of the date of the accident. This time limit may be waived by the Administrator or extended by the Court in appropriate circumstances. Ask your injury lawyer in Calgary about getting an extension on your submission deadline.

Sue With Car Accident Lawyers in Calgary

Dealing with the complications of a lawsuit is a lot to handle on your own. Suppose you decide to sue after an accident. In that case, it’s best to do so with the expertise of a car accident or injury lawyer in Calgary to help you deal with the paperwork and decision-making process. 

It can take up to two years to settle your lawsuit, and it can be a difficult time for your mental health. By choosing to work with a car accident lawyer, you can go through the long process with peace of mind knowing there’s a professional at your side who will do everything in their power to get you the compensation you deserve.

If you need help collecting compensation for an injury you’ve suffered, be sure to contact Edwards Injury Law. Edwards Injury Law has successfully fought for the injured for over 25 years. Move forward with dedicated help from a personal injury lawyer; contact us today if you or someone you know has been in an accident or injured. Phone: 403-764-5172 Website: