car accident lawyer calgary

5 Main Causes of Car Accidents and How to Prevent Them

As the population of Calgary grows, so does the chances of having a car accident. It is therefore imperative that we take extra care on the roads to ensure everyone is safe. To prevent accidents, you have to know the leading causes and how to avoid them.

Five Of The Most Common Car Accidents & How To Stop Them

    1. Distractions While Driving
      Texting, listening to music, taking phone calls, changing the radio, daydreaming; these are all main reasons why people end up in car accidents. Distractions are one of the biggest causes of collisions on ours roads. Make sure you always focus on driving and avoid as many distractions as possible.
    2. Reckless or Aggressive Driving
      Everyone understands the frustrations of being on the road sometimes. You end up snapping and being reckless or aggressive. Through that impulsive action, you can end up in a collision that might prove dangerous. That last thing you want is to hire a Calgary personal injury lawyer to defend you for losing your cool. Be patience on the road, and take the time to learn calming techniques, so you are safe.
    3. Speeding
      Speed limits are there for a reason, but people tend to not acknowledge them. Stick to the speed limits, so you avoid any serious accidents.
    4. Impaired Driving
      Being intoxicated or on drugs while driving is a serious offence. It is one of the most common reasons why people get into accidents, as they are impaired while driving. You should never be behind the wheel if you are drunk or on drugs. Or you could end up in court needing an injury lawyer to help you.
    5. Weather & Road Conditions
      Calgary is known for its horrible road conditions before, after and during winter. The snowy, slippery, mushy roads mean a wrong turn, a sharp diversion and it’s enough to be in a collision. Make sure you take it slow on the road during dangerous conditions.

Got Into An Accident & Need A Car Accident Lawyer?

Were you injured in a car accident? Have you been involved in a severe crash and are being held responsible? Have you been charged? If you have found yourself in trouble, you are always entitled to hire a car accident lawyer in Calgary. They will be able to represent you in court so you have a chance to defend yourself.

If you need help collecting compensation for an injury you’ve suffered be sure to contact Edwards Injury Law. Edwards Injury Law has successfully fought for the injured for over 25 years. Move forward with dedicated help from a personal injury lawyer, contact us today if you or someone you know has been in an accident or injured.

Phone: 403-764-5172
