
How to Document a Slip & Fall Incident

A slip and fall incident can happen when you least expect it, leaving you injured and needing assistance. Knowing how to document the incident properly is essential if you’ve experienced a slip and fall accident. Following these steps, you can learn how to properly document a slip and fall incident and protect your rights. See what evidence you need to support potential legal claims or insurance processes with a slip and fall injury lawyer in Calgary here.

Step #1: Notify the Government within 21 Days

In Alberta, it is crucial to report a slip and fall incident to the government within 21 days of the fall, as stipulated by the Municipal Government Act. This notification is mandatory if the incident occurred on municipal property, such as sidewalks, public buildings, or parks. Failing to report within this timeframe may affect your ability to pursue a legal claim or seek compensation.

Step #2: Document Every Detail of the Incident

Effective documentation is the cornerstone of a successful slip and fall claim. As soon as the incident occurs, take these steps to document everything:

  • Photographs: If possible, take clear photographs of the accident scene, including the hazardous condition that caused your fall. Ensure the date and time are visible on the photos. These visual records can be invaluable in establishing liability.
  • Witness Statements: Collect contact information from any witnesses who saw the incident. Their statements can corroborate your account of the fall and provide additional evidence.
  • Accident Report: If the fall occurred on private property, request an accident report from the property owner or manager. Ensure the report accurately reflects the circumstances of the incident.
  • Record Facts: Write down details about the accident as soon as possible while the information is fresh in your memory. Include the date, time, location, weather conditions, and any relevant details about the hazardous condition.
  • Footwear and Clothing: Document the type of footwear and clothing you wore during the fall, as this information may be relevant to your case.

Step #3: Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Your health should be a top priority after a slip and fall incident. Even if your injuries seem minor initially, promptly seeking medical attention is crucial. Not only does this ensure that you receive the necessary care, but it also creates a medical record linking your injuries to the incident. Delaying medical treatment can raise questions about the seriousness of your injuries and their connection to the fall.

Step #4: Be Aware of Deadlines for Filing a Lawsuit 

In Alberta, the Limitations Act sets time limits for filing a lawsuit in personal injury cases, including slip and fall incidents. Generally, you have two years from the date of the incident to commence legal proceedings. However, these timelines can vary based on specific circumstances. Consult a slip and fall injury lawyer in Calgary to ensure you meet all legal deadlines.

Step #5: Document the Impact of the Incident 

In addition to documenting the incident, recording the consequences of your slip and fall is essential. These may include:

  • Medical Records: Maintain a thorough record of all medical treatments, prescriptions, and rehabilitation sessions related to your injuries. These records can demonstrate the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life.
  • Financial Records: Keep track of all expenses incurred due to the slip and fall, such as medical bills, prescription costs, and travel expenses for medical appointments.
  • Employment Records: If your injuries result in missed workdays or affect your ability to perform your job, document these impacts. This information can help quantify your lost income and potential future earnings.

Step #6: Know Time Limits and Restrictions When Filing a Claim

Navigating the legal aspects of a slip and fall claim in Alberta can be complex. Understanding the various time limits and restrictions that may apply to your case is essential. For example:

  • Contributory Negligence: Alberta follows a principle of contributory negligence, which means that if you are found partially responsible for the accident, your compensation may be reduced. Consult a slip and fall injury lawyer to understand how this principle could affect your case.
  • Third-Party Claims: The option to pursue a claim against a third party may exist depending on the circumstances. For instance, a maintenance company is technically responsible for the property’s upkeep.
  • Insurance Claims: If the slip and fall incident occurred on someone else’s property, you may be eligible to file a liability claim against their insurance. Understanding the insurance company’s policies and procedures is crucial.

Seek a Professional Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer in Calgary For Help

Documenting a slip and fall incident is a meticulous process that requires attention to detail and knowledge of the legal landscape. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively document the incident and protect your rights. Seeking immediate medical attention, reporting the incident within the mandated timeframe, and consulting with a slip and fall injury lawyer in Calgary is essential to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Remember that every case is unique, so seeking legal guidance tailored to your specific situation is advisable. With the right support, you can confidently navigate the legal process and work towards a fair resolution for your slip and fall claim in Alberta.

Founded in 1992 Richard Edwards Injury Law has been working to help Calgarians successfully settle complex and serious personal injury claims and wrongful death cases. As a Calgary injury lawyer, Richard Edwards provides remarkable care and effort to each of his cases. Richard Edwards Injury Law will go above and beyond as your Calgary personal injury lawyer and will make sure you receive the settlement you deserve. If you or someone you love is in need of a Calgary personal injury lawyer, car accident lawyer, sports injury lawyer, slip and fall attorney, or brain and spinal cord injury lawyer, Richard Edwards Injury Law is the place to call. We can be counted to deliver results and give clients the expertise they need.