How to Sue Someone in Calgary

When it comes to legal battles, there are a lot of moving parts—for instance, suing someone in Calgary. The involvement of different lawyers becomes necessary, such as personal injury lawyers. Additionally, completing all of the legal paperwork and setting times with the officials of the court system can be burdensome. Ultimately, there are many considerations to make during a lawsuit. 

However, this process can be straightforward with the right help. Therefore, learning how to sue someone is more about learning the right approach than the intricacies of the process. You can continue reading to learn about the several methods that are available to those without a professional legal background.

How Personal Injury Lawyers Help

Ultimately, the first step in suing someone will always be getting appropriate legal advice. For our purposes, we will discuss personal injury suits. But, the sentiment remains the same for any lawsuit, including monetary disputes or family issues. However, there is some preliminary information that you can prepare before you consult with a personal injury lawyer.

The information that will pique your potential lawyer’s interest includes the person or company you plan to sue. As well, you should prepare a statement of facts and perhaps a historical record, if it is applicable, for the events surrounding the potential lawsuit. This information will prove valuable for establishing the legitimacy of the case, and will serve as a stepping stone for it should you proceed further. 


After you have met with your lawyer and they verify the legitimacy of your claim, the next steps may vary. For some, gathering sufficient evidence such as doctor’s notes, records of employment, witness statements, police records, or other documents might be the next step. However, for others, it could be speaking with the defendant and attempting to reach a settlement outside of court. 

Whichever way the case proceeds, there will still be the same common thread. A personal injury lawyer who can guide your actions and offer their sound legal advice. As a result, if you have a plan to sue someone in Calgary, try your best to find the right legal counsel first.

How to Find Great Personal Injury Lawyers

Finding a personal injury lawyer to represent your claim can be difficult if you are not familiar with the legal scene. Although you can make the process easier by giving Edward’s Injury Law a call today and speaking with one of our professional staff about your options. We will provide you with sound legal advice and the proper path forward.

If you need help collecting compensation for an injury you’ve suffered, be sure to contact Edwards Injury Law. Edwards Injury Law has successfully fought for the injured for over 25 years. Move forward with dedicated help from a personal injury lawyer, contact us today if you or someone you know has been in an accident or injured.

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